Saturday, December 29, 2012

2012 in a nutshell

2012 had its ups and downs. The beginning and end were fantastic; I could not ask for a better start and ending of the year. The middle was full of twists and turns, that left me both confused and restless.

Highlights from rereading my posts over the year:
Talking about boys too much. I never said much about them so I don't remember who exactly I was talking about.
Playing in the orchestra pit for a high school musical.
Balloon animals.
Lots and lots of good music.
Went to my first concert, which luckily was a Radiohead concert.
Last orchestra trip to Branson, Missouri.
Prom. D:
Graduating from high school.
Starting my freshman year of college.
Making terrible choices at college.
Making life-changing choices at college.
Having a shitty boyfriend.
Breaking up with the shitty boyfriend.
Meeting someone really great and bonding with them on a spontaneous trip to San Antonio with three guys I had met not even a month prior.
Many school concerts.
Many parties. But more time spent walking to them.
Spending too much time in bed.
Not spending enough time in my own dorm room.
Being okay with the past two items.
Watching a ton of good movies.
Which was balanced out by watching a ton of shitty ones.
An unexpected White Christmas.
And most likely spending New Years Eve with the boyfriend.

I don't have any resolutions for next year. I'm content with my life how it is now. Wouldn't change a thing.

Monday, December 24, 2012

So, this is my life. I am both happy and sad."

Over the past few weeks, Nick Drake has provided the soundtrack to my life.
It sucks that the older I get, the less Christmas feels like Christmas.
These past few days have been filled with boredom and dread.
I overestimated the amount of holiday cheer giving gifts and having a boyfriend over the holiday season would bring. Maybe its because he lives so far away, and I'm not used to being more than a few hours apart during the school year. It's been a week and I miss him terribly. I guess I'm lucky, in a way. But I wish I could have spent more of the holiday season with him. 
Christmas went by too fast, I really wish I could have a do-over. 
But sometimes life throws huge curve-balls at you that you just have to deal with. Ones that come at the most inconvenient times. 
But at least we'll [hopefully] have a White Christmas here in Texas.