Sunday, June 6, 2010

If you have a dream about someone, then that person went to sleep thinking about you.

"I'm so used to boys breaking my heart that i carry a bottle of SuperGlue in my pocket."

happiness: no worry; the feeling of safe and comfort inside you.
finding an amazing new artist.
when he smiles at you.
spinning around in the rain.
unexpected texts.
finding something you thought you lost.
feeling pretty.
winning an argument.
getting letters in the mail.
noticing something you never had.
slipping on your new pair of shoes.
cheering someone up.
the smell of rain.
cloudy days.
a big hug when you need it from that special someone.
the first snowfall of the year.
driving with the windows down and the music blasting.
a quiet walk alone.
laying in bed on a weekend after you just woke up and daydreaming.
freshly shaved legs touching bed sheets.
rereading a good book.
taking a hot bath.
hearing your favorite song on the radio.
a really good hair day.
summer nights.
that clean feeling after a shower.
when you like someone and no one else knows you like them.
knowing that everything will be okay.

3 1/2 days left of school. 24 days until my birthday.

my head says, "Who cares?" but then my heart whispers, "You do, stupid."


Sakhi. said...

wOw!!...wonderful poem!!...honest rather :D
nice quotes as ever!

Jillian said...

This made me smile.
Yes, all these things are a good representation of happiness.

Purva said...

haha " I'm so used to boys breaking my heart that i carry a bottle of SuperGlue in my pocket."... funny!
And ""If you have a dream about someone, then that person went to sleep thinking about you."-- very sweet!